Reports and publications

Reports on our plans and priorities: 

  • provide insight into our operations
  • offer guidance to the institutions we regulate
  • ensure we remain transparent and accountable to the public and our partners
Date Title Publication type
Future-Oriented Statement of Operations for the years ending March 31, 2024 and 2025 Departmental plans
Gender-based Analysis Plus for the 2024-2025 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions’ 2024–25 Departmental plan at a glance Departmental plans
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions 2024–25 Departmental plan Departmental plans
Statement of Management Responsibility for the Future-Oriented Statement of Operations for 2023-2024 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
Additional Corporate Information for 2023-2024 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
2023-24 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
2023-24 Gender-Based Analysis Plus Departmental plans
Gender-based analysis plus for 2022-2023 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
Statement of Management Responsibility for the Future-Oriented Statement of Operations for 2022-2023 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
2022-23 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
2020 to 2023 Short-form Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Departmental plans
Additional Corporate Information for 2022-2023 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
2020 to 2023 Short-form Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy Departmental plans
Additional Corporate Information for 2021-2022 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
Gender-Based Analysis Plus - 2021-22 Departmental plans
Statement of Management Responsibility for the Future-Oriented Statement of Operations for 2021-2022 Departmental Plan Departmental plans
2021-22 Departmental Plan Departmental plans