Actuarial Report on the Government Annuities as at 31 March 2021

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As at date

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    I. Executive Summary

    A. Purpose of Report

    In accordance with section 15 of the Government Annuities Improvement Act (“the Improvement Act”) an actuarial valuation was conducted as at 31 March 2021 for purposes of determining the actuarial liabilities and financial position of the Government Annuities Account (“the Account”). Section 15 of the Improvement Act also states that any surplus or deficit emerging as a result of the actuarial valuation shall be reported and, in the case of a surplus, credited to the Federal Government’s Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) and charged to the Account or, in the case of a deficit, charged to the Federal Government’s CRF and credited to the Account.

    B. Data, Method and Assumptions

    Data on current retirees, beneficiaries, deferred members, premiums and benefit payments were provided by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and Service Canada. The data are gathered through the electronic reports from the Government Annuities Secured Website. The Government Annuities Branch located in Bathurst administers the annuities as well as the corresponding website. The data are from a reliable source. We have performed summary tests on the data, and have found that they are accurate, reliable and sufficient for the purposes of the valuation. A description of contract types and a summary of the data are shown in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of this report. The actuarial liabilities are the present value of expected future benefits, determined in accordance with accepted actuarial practice and statutory valuation assumptions. Subsection 3(4) of the Government Annuities Regulations (“the Regulations”) states that the actuarial liability is to be determined using an interest rate of 7% per annum and the mortality rates of the Annuity Table for 1983, as modified by Projection Scale G.

    C. Results

    The following table summarizes the results of the actuarial valuation as at 31 March 2021.

    Table 1 Results Overview
      As at 31 March 2021
    Assets $ 76,637,877
    Liabilities $ 75,755,079
    Surplus (Deficit) $ 882,798
      Count Average
    Vested Members 19,476 $ 688
    Deferred Members 73 $ 1,646
    Total 19,549 $ 691

    D. Conclusion

    The surplus of $882,798 is credited to the Federal Government’s CRF and charged to the Account. The next valuation will be performed as at 31 March 2022.

    II. Introduction

    The Canadian Government Annuities Act of 1908 was one of the earliest significant pieces of social legislation in Canada. Its purpose was to encourage Canadians to prepare financially for their retirement. Government Annuities were purchased either by individuals or by employers as pension plans for their employees.

    By the 1960's, other social benefit plans, such as Old Age Security (OAS) and the Canada Pension Plan were introduced and began gaining importance in providing Canadians with basic retirement income. The government's recognition that retired Canadians could now be served by other social security programs as well as the private sector brought about the decision to disband the Annuities sales force. In 1975, an Act of Parliament formally ended the sale of Government Annuities. Employers, however, could register new employees under group contracts until 1979. The Government Annuities are not sponsored by the Government - meaning the Government has no fiduciary liability. Its responsibilities are limited to provide and secure benefits in accordance with each contract's provisions.

    The Annuities Branch continues to administer contracts under payment and those due to become payable, on behalf of clients from across Canada and around the world. The Account is not subject to any federal or provincial pension legislation; it is only subject to the Government Annuities Act, the Improvement Act and the Regulations. The assets and liabilities are shown in the Public Accounts of Canada. The assets are notional and are not subject to any investment policy or performance goals and objectives.

    The Office of the Chief Actuary (OCA), Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada (OSFI), has the mandate of performing the annual actuarial valuation of the Account as of 31 March 2021. The purpose of the valuation is to establish the Account’s liabilities, notional assets, and financial position, based on the statutory valuation assumptions.

    III. Data

    A. Data Required

    Since the actuarial valuation determines both the assets and the liabilities, full details on the members as well as on the cash flows that occurred within the year are needed.

    B. Member Data

    Basic data on pensioners, beneficiaries and deferred members are provided by ESDC and Service Canada. The data are retrieved from the Government Annuities Secure Website maintained by the Annuities Branch in Bathurst. The site enables the production of reports which show the member data required to establish the liabilities: certificate number, maturity date, member, spouse and beneficiaries’ gender and dates of birth, annual pension amounts, and form of pension.

    The required data reports are VY4741 for vested members (pensioners) and GY5642 for deferred members (members with deferred rights).

    Notes on VY4741 Vested Data

    Additional pension amounts data are required from Service Canada concerning the continuing pensions for joint and survivor contracts with percentages other than 50% or 100%, as well as for reducing annuities. VY4741 data does not show the accurate continuing pension amounts for annuities of type 29, 37, and 70-79.

    Moreover, manual additions must be done, as the VY4741 report excludes certain members due to internal validation controls at Bathurst. The data related to this limited number of members were extracted from the VY5141 report. There were 31 such members as at 31 March 2021.

    Notes on GY5642 Deferred Data

    Pursuant to the Improvement Act which granted annual accrual of contributions accounts at 7% from 1 April 1975, the following table shows the multipliers that must be applied to the annual original pension amounts.

    Table 2 Multipliers for Deferred Pension Amounts
    Premium Series Original
    Interest Rate
    4 4.0% 1.22
    5 3.0% 1.32
    6 3.5% 1.29
    7 4.0% 1.22
    8 5.0% 1.14

    These multipliers reflect the increase between the original interest rate applicable on the contracts and 7%. As the deferred members data only show the pension amounts prior to the enhancements, these multipliers are used to update the annual pensions.

    It can be seen that the methodology used to derive these multipliers granted higher increases to contracts with lower interest rates, and vice-versa. The objective sought at the time was to distribute the increases as equitably as possible.

    A reconciliation of pension amounts and membership status with last year’s membership has been performed. A detailed summary of membership data is shown in the Appendix 2 of this report.

    C. Asset Data

    Income consists of premiums received, funds reclaimed from the CRF for previously untraceable annuitants, notional earned interest and any transfer needed to cover the actuarial deficit. Payments and other charges represent matured annuities, commuted value of death benefits, premium refunds and withdrawals, and transfers to the CRF of actuarial surpluses and unclaimed annuities related to untraceable annuitants.

    All reports used to determine the value of assets are provided by ESDC.

    A list showing the names and short descriptions of the required reports is given in Appendix 3 of this report.

    The data used are considered to be sufficient and reliable for the purposes of the actuarial valuation.

    IV. Methods and Assumptions

    A. Liability Valuation Method

    The actuarial liabilities are associated with two groups of members: vested and deferred. The vested group consists of the participants for whom the pensions are in payment as at 31 March 2021. The deferred group consists of members for whom payment of pensions will start in the future. The liabilities are the actuarial present value of future pension payments, the result of discounting the future expected benefits with interest and post-retirement mortality.

    B. Assumptions

    The interest and post-retirement mortality assumptions are statutory, as stated in section 15 of the Improvement Act and subsection 3(4) of the Regulations. Namely, the liabilities must be based on a rate of interest of 7% per annum and on the mortality rates of the Annuity Table for 1983, as modified by Projection Scale G, published in Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, Vol. XXXV (1983), at pages 882 and 883.

    Accordingly, the 1983 individual annuity mortality table (IAM83) is used for individual contracts and the 1983 group annuity mortality table (GAM83) is used for group contracts. Both tables are sex-distinct, and are projected for 15 years with Projection Scale G. Furthermore, for consistency with the methodology used to develop these mortality tables, the liabilities were calculated based on the annuitants’ attained age (age last) at the valuation date.

    Extracts from these mortality tables as well as associated life expectancies can be found in Appendix 4 of this report.

    C. Asset Valuation Method

    Since section 14 of the Government Annuities Act states that the monies received or paid under this act form part of the CRF, the assets are notional. Each year, any difference with the liabilities calculated is either credited (in the case of a surplus) or charged (in the case of a deficit) to the CRF, with a corresponding charge or credit to the Account. Following these adjustments, the assets value as at 1 April 2020 is equal to the 31 March 2020 liabilities. The assets value as at 31 March 2021 prior to any charge or credit to the CRF is obtained by adding interest at 7% on the 1 April 2020 value and adjusting for cash inflows and outflows also at 7% annual interest rate.

    V. Results

    A. Balance Sheet

    The following table presents a summary of the balance sheet of the Account for the 2021 and 2020 fiscal years.

    Table 3 Balance Sheet
    Fiscal Year 2020-2021 2019-2020
    Assets as at 1 April $ 85,407,162 $ 96,301,548
    Interest to 31 March $ 5,438,538 $ 6,141,971
    Premiums for Deferred Annuities 72 72
    Unclaimed annuities recovered from CRF 7,226 32,306
    TOTAL 5,445,836 6,174,349
    Payments to Vested Members:
    Vested Regular Annuity Payments $ 14,057,002 Table 3 Footnote 1 $ 15,715,870 Table 3 Footnote 2
    Vested Commuted Values 80,058 33,096
    Total Payments to Vested Members: 14,137,060 15,748,966
    Monies Refunded 2,271 7,895
    Values Transferred to CRF (Vested & Deferred) 75,789 84,023
    TOTAL 14,215,120 15,840,884
    INCOME LESS PAYMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES $ (8,769,284) $ (9,666,535)
    Assets as at 31 March $ 76,637,877 $ 86,635,013
    Surplus charged to the Account and credited to the CRF $ (882,798) $ (1,227,852)
    Net Assets as at 31 March $ 75,755,079 $ 85,407,162
    Actuarial Liabilities as at 31 March $ 75,755,079 $ 85,407,162

    Table 3 Footnotes

    Table 3 Footnote 1

    Includes annuity and retroactive payments totalling $10,619 for members recovered from the CRF in 2020-2021.

    Return to Table 3 Footnote 1

    Table 3 Footnote 2

    Includes annuity and retroactive payments totalling $40,088 for members recovered from the CRF in 2019-2020. Additionally, $10,136 of the $40,088 is an overpayment that was made to a participant who was not recovered or transferred to the account receivable as at 31 March 2020.

    Return to Table 3 Footnote 2

    B. Calculation of Interest

    The following table outlines the calculation of the notional 7% annual interest credited to the Account for the 2021 and 2020 fiscal years.

    Table 4 Calculation of Interest
    Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 2019 - 2020
    Interest on :
    Prescribed Assets as at 1 April of prior year $ 5,875,819 $ 6,594,020
    Maturities 26,031 64,969
    CRF Recoveries 408 1,302
    Less interest on :
    Annuity Payments (537,225) (598,832)
    Commuted Values (2,938) (639)
    Transfers to CRF 0 0
    TOTAL VESTED 5,362,095 6,060,820
    Interest on :
    Prescribed Assets as at 1 April of prior year 102,682 147,089
    Premiums 1 1
    CRF Recoveries 4 18
    Less interest on :
    Maturities (26,031) (64,969)
    Refunds (201) (660)
    Transfers to CRF (12) (328)
    TOTAL DEFERRED 76,443 81,151
    TOTAL INTEREST $ 5,438,538 $ 6,141,971

    C. Development of Actuarial Liabilities

    The following table outlines the Account’s actuarial liabilities by members’ category as at 31 March of 2021 and 2020.

    Table 5 Development of Actuarial Liabilities
    Fiscal Year Contract Type 2020 - 2021 2019 - 2020
    Males, Ordinary Life 10 - 16 $ 36,289,397 $ 41,336,309
    Females, Ordinary Life 10 - 16 20,173,534 21,911,561
    Males, Guaranteed 21 - 29 8,875,497 9,948,624
    Females, Guaranteed 21 - 29 4,662,576 5,126,150
    Last Survivor 30 - 37 3,789,856 4,662,986
    Reducing at OAS 70 - 79 605,067 729,029
    Annuities Certain 50, 80 177,639 208,146
    Temporary Annuities 60 4,889 4,160
    Suspended Payments   20,310 13,309
    VESTED TOTAL   74,598,766 83,940,273
    Ordinary Life 10 44,514 41,602
    Males, Guaranteed 21 - 24 642,737 887,815
    Females, Guaranteed 21 - 24 412,659 484,366
    Refunds in Process   1,520 1,814
    Suspense Accounts Account 721 54,884 51,293
    DEFERRED TOTAL   1,156,313 1,466,889
    TOTAL ACTUARIAL LIABILITIES   $ 75,755,079 $ 85,407,162

    VI. Experience

    A. Analysis of Experience

    As there are no new contracts purchased under the Government Annuities Act, the main source of experience gains or losses is the mortality. It includes changes in expected future payments due to the death or survival of annuitants and the difference between actual and expected benefit payments during the year.

    The table below presents a reconciliation of the surplus between 31 March 2020 and
    31 March 2021.

    Table 6 Gains (Losses)
    Surplus as at 31 March 2020
    Premiums paid with interest $ 73
    Vested members mortality 860,210
    Deferred members - retirements, mortality, refunds 43,507
    Transfers from CRF and other data changes (20,992)
    Surplus as at 31 March 2021 $ 882,798

    B. Alternative Assumptions for Purposes of the Account’s Financial Statements


    Following an external audit of the Account as at 31 March 2014, ESDC management asked the OCA to conduct a mortality experience study and to include the amount of the actuarial liabilities under experience-adjusted mortality rates in future Actuarial Reports on the Government Annuities.

    Discount Rate

    To promote greater comparability with other public service pension plans that are part of the Public Account of Canada, the liabilities shown in the Account’s financial statements is measured using a different discount rate than the prescribed interest rate of 7%. The alternative rate is established based on a yield curve approach. This yield curve is determined by reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on Government of Canada Bonds and treasury bills.

    The OCA has determined that the liabilities as at 31 March 2021 under experience-adjusted mortality rates and the alternative discount rate is $97.8 million, which is $22.0 million higher than under the prescribed assumptions. More details are presented in Appendix 5.

    VII. Actuarial Opinion

    In our opinion, considering that this report was prepared pursuant to the Government Annuities Act and the Government Annuities Improvement Act:

    • the data on which this report is based are sufficient and reliable for the purposes of this report;
    • the assumptions used comply with legislative requirements;
    • the methods employed are appropriate for the purposes of this report; and
    • as at 31 March 2021, there is a surplus of $882,798 which is credited to the Federal Government’s Consolidated Revenue Fund and charged to the Government Annuities Account.

    This report has been prepared, and our opinion given, in accordance with accepted actuarial practice in Canada. As of the date of the signing of this report, we have not learned of any events that would have a material impact on the results presented in this report as at 31 March 2021.

    Annie St-Jacques
    Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries
    Office of the Chief Actuary, OSFI

    Thierry Truong
    Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries
    Office of the Chief Actuary, OSFI


    Alice Chiu
    Associate of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries
    Office of the Chief Actuary, OSFI

    Ottawa, Canada
    30 August 2021


    Appendix 1 - Contract Types

    The following describes the annuities provisions as specified by the contracts:

    Ordinary Life: At maturity, this annuity is payable for as long as the annuitant lives, but at death the annuity ceases immediately and there are no death benefits.

    Guaranteed: The annuity under this contract is payable for life but it is guaranteed for a minimum period of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years.

    Contingent Survivor: This annuity is based on two lives. The annuity is payable to the principal annuitant for as long as he or she lives. At death, the annuity is payable to the survivor until his or her death.

    Joint and Last Survivor: This contract differs from the Contingent Survivor contract in that the annuity instalments are payable to both parties. After the death of one partner, the annuity is made payable to the survivor as long as he or she lives.

    Reducing Option: The Reducing Option is an arrangement whereby the level of the annuity purchased is paid at an increased amount from age 50 (or later) to age 65. At age 65, the annuity decreases by the amount of Old Age Security in effect at the date of maturity. The annuity is payable for life, with death benefits available for the duration of the guaranteed period, if there is one.

    The following describes the contract types:

    Single Life - No Guarantee (10 - 16)

    1. Ordinary
    2. Guarantee expired: on valuation change of 21 - 24
    3. From last or contingent survivor: 30, 35, 36, 37
    4. From last survivor guarantee expired: on first death of 31
    5. From reducing ordinary: on reduction of 70
    6. From reducing guaranteed: on reduction of 79, on valuation change of 29
      or from 71-74 where reduction and end of guarantee coincide
    7. From reducing survivor: 36, 37

    Single Life with Guarantee (21 - 29)

    1. Guaranteed 5 years
    2. Guaranteed 10 years
    3. Guaranteed 15 years
    4. Guaranteed 20 years
    5. From 71-74 after reduction still within guarantee

    Joint Lives No Guarantee (30 - 37)

    1. Ordinary Last Survivor (100%)
    2. Last Survivor guarantee expired (100%)
    3. Contingent Survivor (100%)
    4. Contingent Survivor reducing by one half at death of Principal Annuitant (50%)
    5. Contingent Survivor reducing by any other amount at death of Principal Annuitant

    Annuities Certain (50 & 80)

    1. Certain level amount (Includes from 80 after reduction)
    2. Certain, reducing

    Temporary Annuities (60)

    1. Temporary

    Reducing Annuities (70- 79)

    1. Ordinary, reducing
    2. Guaranteed 5 years, reducing
    3. Guaranteed 10 years, reducing
    4. Guaranteed 15 years, reducing
    5. Guaranteed 20 years, reducing
    6. From 71-74, guarantee expired before reduction

    Appendix 2 - Membership Data

    A. Vested members

    Table 7 Membership Data - Contract Types 10-16: Vested Ordinary Life
    50-59 Average Pension 505 850 720
    Number 3 5 8
    Average Age 58.7 58.0 58.3
    60-69 Average Pension 979 877 919
    Number 69 98 167
    Average Age 65.8 66.4 66.1
    70-79 Average Pension 811 708 764
    Number 963 804 1,767
    Average Age 76.3 75.6 76.0
    80-89 Average Pension 642 551 615
    Number 6,155 2,591 8,746
    Average Age 85.2 85.1 85.1
    90-100 Average Pension 708 554 649
    Number 4,041 2,496 6,537
    Average Age 93.0 93.7 93.3
    100+ Average Pension 700 474 559
    Number 70 116 186
    Average Age 101.9 102.7 102.4
    Total Average Pension 682 577 645
    Total Number 11,301 6,110 17,411
    Total Average Age 87.2 87.4 87.2
    Table 8 Membership Data - Contract Types 21-29: Vested Guaranteed
    50-69 Average Pension 2,093 1,913 2,020
    Number 168 114 282
    Average Age 66.5 66.0 66.3
    Average guarantee 9.4 8.7 9.1
    70-79 Average Pension 1,361 1,131 1,290
    Number 445 198 643
    Average Age 74.7 74.0 74.5
    Average guarantee 4.7 4.8 4.7
    80-89 Average Pension 888 883 886
    Number 31 12 43
    Average Age 81.7 80.8 81.5
    Average guarantee 1.7 2.9 2.1
    Total Average Pension 1,529 1,397 1,485
    Total Number 644 324 968
    Average Age 72.9 71.5 72.4
    Average guarantee 5.8 6.1 5.9
    Table 9 Membership Data - Contract Types 30-37: Vested Joint & Survivor
    Total Average Pension 564 322 559
    Total Number 1,008 22 1,030
    Average Age 85.9 84.2 85.9
    Average Spouse Age 82.7 83.3 82.7
    Average Continuing Percentage 74% 70% 74%
    Table 10 Membership Data - Contract Types 50 & 80: Vested Certain
    Average Pension 1,177
    Number 43
    Average Certain Period 4.40
    Table 11 Membership Data - Contract Type 60: Vested Temporary
    Average Pension 829
    Number 2
    Average Age 61.5
    Average Period 3.5
    Table 12 Membership Data - Contract Types 70-79: Vested Reducing
    Average Pension 3,873 4,497 4,185
    Number 11 11 22
    Average Reduced Pension 2,007 1,882 1,944
    Average Age 62.5 62.3 62.4

    B. Deferred Members

    Table 13 Membership Data - Contract Types 10: Deferred Ordinary Life
    Average Pension 3,202
    Number 2
    Average Age 66.0
    Table 14 Membership Data - Contract Types 21-24: Deferred Guaranteed
    Average Pension 1,768 1,362 1,602
    Number 42 29 71
    Average Age 62.1 61.1 61.7
    Average Guarantee 15.0 15.0 15.0

    C. Membership Reconciliation

    Table 15 Membership Reconciliation
    Contract Types 10-16 21-29 30-37 50&80 60 70-79 Total
    Count as at 31 March 2020 19,530 1,116 1,217 53 4 29 21,949
    Maturities 0 25 0 0 1 0 26
    Transfers from/to Other Contract Types 330 (155) (174) 6 0 (7) 0
    Deaths or Expired Annuities Table 15 Footnote 1 (2,443) (16) (12) (16) (3) 0 (2,490)
    Net CRF TransfersTable 15 Footnote 2 (6) (2) (1) 0 0 0 (9)
    Count as at 31 March 2021 17,411 968 1,030 43 2 22 19,476
    Count as at 31 March 2020 101
    Maturities (26)
    Deaths and Refunds (1)
    Net CRF Transfers (1)
    Count as at 31 March 2021 73

    Table 15 Footnotes

    Table 15 Footnote 1

    The 2,490 Deaths or Expired Annuities are composed of 1,705 group certificates and 785 individual contracts.

    Return to Table 15 Footnote 1

    Table 15 Footnote 2

    The 9 net CRF transfers are 4 group contracts and 5 individual contracts.

    Return to Table 15 Footnote 2

    Appendix 3 - Sources of Data

    Reports Required

    The following are the reports used in order to perform the Government Annuities Account valuation. The main reports are provided by ESDC and Service Canada.

    Membership Data

    VY4741P1: Basic Vested Data
    VY5141: Vested Annuitants to be added manually (Records to be completed using report VY4742P1)
    GY5642: Basic Deferred Data

    Service Canada also provides us with accurate pension amounts for plans 16, 37, 70-79, and 29, and additional data for plans 50 and 80. This data consists of pension amounts, reduced pension amounts where applicable, date of reduction and date of final payment. Even though the total actuarial liability is taken directly from VY5141 for plans 50 and 80, it must be individually calculated for purposes of gains and losses analysis.

    Asset Data

    VM3942: Vested benefit payments and maturities by period

    GY5646, GM4741, and GM4742: Data related to refunds

    Premiums paid are provided by the Annuity Accounting Division of ESDC.

    Benefit payments are provided by the Annuity Accounting Division of ESDC.

    The monthly VM3942 reports are extracted to reconcile the Annuity Accounting Division’s benefit payments. Ultimately, the Annuity Accounting Division’s figures are used for balance sheet purposes. The monthly GM4741 and GM4742 reports must be extracted for group and individual contracts.

    Other Data

    ESDC also provides balances for suspense accounts (GY5644 and GR3442), refunds in progress (GY5941) and suspended payments (VY5443).

    Appendix 4 - Mortality Tables

    Projection of Mortality

    The mortality assumption is statutory, as stated in section 15 of the Improvement Act and subsection 3(4) of the Regulations. Mortality rates are to follow the Annuity Table for 1983, as modified by Projection Scale G published in Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, Vol. XXXV (1983), at pages 882 and 883. SOR/97-495, s. 2.

    Accordingly, the IAM83 table is used for individual contracts and the GAM83 table is used for group contracts. Both tables are used on sex-distinct basis and are projected for 15 years with Projection Scale G. Furthermore, for consistency with the methodology used to develop these mortality tables, the liabilities were calculated based on the annuitants’ attained age (age last) at the valuation date.

    The following table shows the mortality rates as well as Projection scale G for selected attained ages.

    Table 16 Mortality Rates
    AGE GAM83
    10 0.000293 0.000096 0.000382 0.000141 0.007500 0.012000 0.000262 0.000080 0.000341 0.000118
    15 0.000325 0.000140 0.000435 0.000188 0.002200 0.007000 0.000314 0.000126 0.000421 0.000169
    20 0.000377 0.000189 0.000505 0.000260 0.001400 0.005000 0.000369 0.000175 0.000494 0.000241
    25 0.000464 0.000253 0.000622 0.000349 0.001000 0.006500 0.000457 0.000229 0.000613 0.000316
    30 0.000607 0.000342 0.000759 0.000441 0.004900 0.010500 0.000564 0.000292 0.000705 0.000376
    35 0.000860 0.000476 0.000917 0.000545 0.015000 0.018500 0.000686 0.000360 0.000731 0.000412
    40 0.001238 0.000665 0.001341 0.000742 0.020000 0.022500 0.000914 0.000473 0.000990 0.000527
    45 0.002183 0.001010 0.002399 0.001122 0.018500 0.021000 0.001650 0.000735 0.001813 0.000816
    50 0.003909 0.001647 0.004057 0.001830 0.017500 0.020000 0.003000 0.001216 0.003113 0.001352
    55 0.006131 0.002541 0.005994 0.002891 0.016000 0.018500 0.004813 0.001920 0.004706 0.002185
    60 0.009158 0.004241 0.008338 0.004467 0.015000 0.017500 0.007300 0.003254 0.006647 0.003428
    65 0.015592 0.007064 0.012851 0.007336 0.015000 0.017500 0.012429 0.005420 0.010244 0.005629
    70 0.027530 0.012385 0.021371 0.011697 0.013500 0.017500 0.022452 0.009504 0.017429 0.008976
    75 0.044597 0.023992 0.035046 0.020127 0.012500 0.016000 0.036929 0.018836 0.029020 0.015802
    80 0.074070 0.042945 0.057026 0.036395 0.012500 0.015000 0.061334 0.034234 0.047220 0.029013
    85 0.114836 0.069918 0.090987 0.065518 0.012500 0.015000 0.095090 0.055736 0.075342 0.052228
    90 0.166307 0.111750 0.134887 0.113605 0.011000 0.013500 0.140882 0.091139 0.114265 0.092652
    95 0.234086 0.182419 0.191214 0.174228 0.010000 0.012500 0.201328 0.151052 0.164455 0.144269
    100 0.319185 0.295187 0.270906 0.239215 0.004000 0.005000 0.300561 0.273806 0.255099 0.221888
    105 0.469531 0.487816 0.405278 0.353414 0.000000 0.000000 0.469531 0.487816 0.405278 0.353414
    110 1.000000 1.000000 0.634814 0.584462 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.634814 0.584462

    Life Expectancies

    The following table shows life expectancies under the above-stated mortality assumption for selected attained ages.

    Table 17 Life Expectancies
    15 65.4 71.8 67.1 72.2
    20 60.5 66.8 62.2 67.3
    25 55.6 61.9 57.4 62.4
    30 50.7 57.0 52.5 57.5
    35 45.9 52.1 47.7 52.6
    40 41.0 47.2 42.9 47.7
    45 36.2 42.3 38.1 42.8
    50 31.6 37.5 33.5 38.0
    55 27.1 32.7 29.1 33.3
    60 22.8 28.1 24.8 28.7
    65 18.7 23.6 20.7 24.3
    70 15.0 19.3 16.9 20.0
    75 11.8 15.3 13.5 16.0
    80 9.1 11.9 10.5 12.4
    85 7.0 9.1 8.1 9.3
    90 5.3 6.6 6.2 6.9
    95 4.0 4.6 4.6 5.1
    100 2.8 2.9 3.2 3.6
    105 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.5
    110 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.6

    Appendix 5 - Alternative Mortality and Discount Rate Assumptions

    Mortality Rates

    The experience-adjusted mortality rates are based on the Canada Pension Plan retirement beneficiaries’ mortality assumptions, as developed for the 30th Actuarial Report on the Canada Pension Plan as at 31 December 2018. These rates are further adjusted using a 3% load for males and a 4% load for females.

    Discount Rates

    The annual alternative discount rates used to calculate the liabilities are 1.49% as at 31 March 2021 and 0.93% as at 31 March 2020. They are determined using a yield curve approach. Under this approach, the discount rate corresponds to an equivalent flat discount rate based on a yield curve and the projected cash flows. The yield curve is based on market yields at the end of the reporting period on Government of Canada bonds and treasury bills. The Bank of Canada develops and publishes monthly a yield curve for Government of Canada zero-coupon bondsFootnote 1.

    Table 18 shows the actuarial liabilities under the experience-adjusted mortality rates and the alternative discount rates while Table 19 provides sample experience‑adjusted mortality rates at different ages and for different years.

    Table 18 Development of Actuarial Liabilities (with Experience‑Adjusted Mortality Table 18 Footnote 1 and Alternative Discount RateFootnote 2)
    Fiscal Year Contract Type 2020 - 2021 2019 - 2020
    Males, Ordinary Life 10 - 16 $ 43,387,877 $ 50,924,126
    Females, Ordinary Life 10 - 16 24,651,466 27,593,817
    Males, Guaranteed 21 - 29 13,793,404 16,302,027
    Females, Guaranteed 21 - 29 7,444,396 8,767,338
    Last Survivor 30 - 37 4,863,514 6,259,168
    Reducing at OAS 70 - 79 1,011,018 1,286,407
    Annuities Certain 50, 80 209,291 252,646
    Temporary Annuities 60 4,702 3,297
    Suspended Payments   20,310 13,309
    VESTED TOTAL   95,385,979 111,402,135
    Ordinary Life 10 90,010 96,267
    Males, Guaranteed 21 - 24 1,380,743 2,071,164
    Females, Guaranteed 21 - 24 885,488 1,138,568
    Refunds in Process   1,520 1,814
    Suspense Accounts Account 721 54,884 51,293
    DEFERRED TOTAL   2,412,645 3,359,106
    TOTAL ACTUARIAL LIABILITIES   $ 97,798,624 $ 114,761,241

    Table 18 Footnotes

    Table 18 Footnote 1

    Using mortality assumptions used for the CPP beneficiaries (with appropriate loading) consistent with the 30th CPP Actuarial Report for both fiscal years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.

    Return to Table 18 Footnote 1

    Table 18 Footnote 2

    Using a yield curve approach determined by reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on Government of Canada Bonds and Treasury Bills (the equivalent flat discount rate is 0.93% as at 31 March 2020 and 1.49% as at 31 March 2021).

    Return to Table Footnote 2

    Table 19 Sample Mortality Rates (Experience‑Adjusted Mortality)
    2021-22 2031-32 2041-42 2051-52 2021-22 2031-32 2041-42 2051-52
    50 0.002773 0.002469 0.002277 0.002101 0.001922 0.001755 0.001619 0.001494
    55 0.004191 0.003676 0.003389 0.003127 0.002841 0.002557 0.002358 0.002176
    60 0.005349 0.004595 0.004238 0.003906 0.002815 0.002487 0.002293 0.002116
    65 0.010739 0.009246 0.008521 0.007856 0.006596 0.005835 0.005380 0.004968
    70 0.016115 0.013969 0.012871 0.011879 0.011404 0.010185 0.009401 0.008672
    75 0.026560 0.023035 0.021234 0.019594 0.018580 0.016641 0.015354 0.014171
    80 0.044643 0.038679 0.035653 0.032914 0.032166 0.028656 0.026431 0.024403
    85 0.080794 0.070063 0.064576 0.059600 0.058360 0.051491 0.047466 0.043800
    90 0.144823 0.128033 0.120131 0.112872 0.107337 0.095657 0.089740 0.084293
    95 0.238170 0.220787 0.211847 0.202970 0.195700 0.181349 0.173824 0.166556
    100 0.354901 0.340934 0.331863 0.322434 0.304887 0.291964 0.283696 0.275646
    105 0.480654 0.471915 0.465377 0.459404 0.424660 0.415746 0.409847 0.404250
    110 0.601219 0.601664 0.602089 0.602209 0.546898 0.547171 0.548032 0.547876
    115 0.684757 0.684786 0.684871 0.684873 0.635899 0.636130 0.636312 0.636294
    120 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

    The table below presents a reconciliation of the actuarial liability between 31 March 2020 and 31 March 2021.

    Table 20 Reconciliation of Actuarial Liability (with Experience‑Adjusted Mortality Table 20 Footnote 1 and Alternative Discount Rates Table 20 Footnote 2)
    Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 2019 - 2020
    LIABILITY AS AT 1 APRIL 114,761,241 $ 122,942,521
    Accrued interest $ 994,923 $ 1,966,276
    Premiums 72 72
    Reclaimed annuities 7,226 32,306
    Annuity payments (14,137,060)Table 20 Footnote 3 (15,748,966)Table 20 Footnote 4
    Premium refunds and other (2,271) (7,895)
    Unclaimed annuities (75,789) (84,023)
    Change in mortality assumption - 61,801
    Change in discount ratesTable 20 Footnote 5 (3,746,679) 5,944,491
    Experience (3,039) (345,342)
    LIABILITY AS AT 1 APRIL $ 97,798,624 $ 114,761,241

    Table 20 Footnotes

    Table 20 Footnote 1

    Using mortality assumptions used for the CPP beneficiaries (with appropriate loading) consistent with the 30th CPP Actuarial Report for both fiscal years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021.

    Return to Table 20 Footnote 1

    Table 20 Footnote 2

    Using a yield curve approach determined by reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on Government of Canada Bonds and Treasury Bills (the equivalent flat discount rate is 0.93% as at 31 March 2020 and 1.49% as at 31 March 2021).

    Return to Table 20 Footnote 2

    Table 20 Footnote 3

    Includes annuity and retroactive payments totalling $10,619 for members recovered from the CRF in 2020-2021, and vested commuted value payments of $80,058.

    Return to Table 20 Footnote 3

    Table 20 Footnote 4

    Includes annuity retroactive payments totalling $40,088 (including an overpayment of $10,136) for members recovered from the CRF in 2019-2020, and vested commuted value payments of $33,096.

    Return to Table 20 Footnote 4

    Table 20 Footnote 5

    The discount rate used to calculate liabilities changed from 1.72% in 2018-2019 to 0.93% in 2019-2020 and 1.49% in 2020-2021 based on the yield curve approach.

    Return to Table 20 Footnote 5


    The following table outlines the calculation of interest for the 2021 and 2020 fiscal years.


    Table 21 Calculation of Interest (with Experience‑Adjusted MortalityFootnote 1 and Alternative Interest RatesFootnote 2)

    Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021 2019 - 2020
    Interest on :
    Experience adjusted liabilities as at 1 April of prior year $ 1,036,040 $ 2,041,707
    Maturities 3,420 15,708
    CRF Recoveries 55 323
    Less interest on :
    Annuity Payments (71,789) (148,096)
    Commuted Values (395) (159)
    Transfers to CRF 0 0
    TOTAL VESTED 967,330 1,909,483
    Interest on :
    Experience adjusted liabilities as at 1 April of prior year 31,240 72,904
    Premiums 0 0
    CRF Recoveries 1 5
    Less interest on :
    Maturities (3,420) (15,708)
    Refunds (226) (326)
    Transfers to CRF (2) (82)
    TOTAL DEFERRED 27,593 56,793
    TOTAL INTEREST $ 994,923 $ 1,966,276

    Table 21 Footnotes

    Table 21 Footnote 1

    Using mortality assumptions used for the CPP beneficiaries (with appropriate loading) consistent with the 30th CPP Actuarial Report for both fiscal years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021

    Return to Table 21 Footnote 1

    Table 21 Footnote 2

    Using a yield curve approach determined by reference to market yields at the end of the reporting period on Government of Canada Bonds and Treasury Bills (the equivalent flat interest rate is 0.93% for fiscal year 2019-2020 and 1.49% for fiscal year 2020-2021). The calculation of interest for the fiscal year is based on the rates at the beginning of the period while the end of period liabilities are based on the rates at the end of the period.

    Return to Table 21 Footnote 2


    Footnote 1

    The methodology to develop this yield curve is set out on the Bank of Canada’s website.

    Return to footnote 1