Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Plan as at 31 March 2021 - Highlights

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police
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As at date

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Message from the Actuary

We reflected the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic assumptions used in this report. The pandemic is a very fluid situation that will continue to evolve for some time. The final impacts will be reflected in future reports.

Contributions are expected to exceed Fund benefits payments until 2031.

Main Findings

Financial Position ($ millions) AccountFootnote 1 Fund
Recorded Balance/Actuarial Value of Assets 13,359 13,802
Liabilities 14,503 12,720
Surplus (Shortfall) (1,144)Footnote 2 1,082
Funding Ratio 92.1% 108.5%

Key Assumptions

Discount Rate Current Previous
Ultimate real rate on the Account 2.0% 2.6%
Ultimate real rate on the Fund 3.9% 4.0%
Cohort Life expectancy at age 65 (in years)Footnote 3 2021 2036
Male 22.5 23.4
Female 25.0 25.8
Member Contribution Rates for Calendar Year 2023
Below YMPE Above YMPE Ratio of Government to Contributor Current Service Cost
9.35% 12.37% 1.22

Range of Potential Funding Ratio

Bar graph showing the range of potential funding ratio of the Pension Fund for the best-estimate portfolio over time.

Graphic Description - Range of Potential Funding Ratio

Bar graph showing the range of potential funding ratio of the Pension Fund for the best-estimate portfolio over time. Y-axis represents the funded ratio. X-axis shows the plan year, starting at 31 March 2021 and ending at 31 March 2042. 

The chart shows that the funding ratio for the Pension Fund was 108.5% as at 31 March 2021. The median expected funding ratio is stable (114.6% as at 31 March 2024, 113.8% as at 31 March 2033 and 113.5% as at 31 March 2042) over the projection period. At the fifth percentile, the funding ratio is 91.5% as at 31 March 2024, 71.6% as at 31 March 2033 and 67.0% as at 31 March 2042. At the 95th percentile, the funding ratio is 142.7% as at 31 March 2024, 194.5% as at 31 March 2033 and 242.0% at 31 March 2042. 

Evolution of Cash Flows over Time

Bar graph showing the evolution of cash flows under the Pension Fund over time.

Graphic Description - Evolution of Cash Flows over Time
Evolution of Cash Flows over Time
Plan Year Contributions Payments Special Payments Net Cash Flows
2022 743 358 N/A- 385
2023 609 373 N/A- 236
2024 631 414 N/A- 217
2025 657 455 N/A- 202
2026 682 499 N/A- 183
2027 706 548 N/A- 158
2028 732 599 N/A- 133
2029 758 655 N/A- 103
2030 785 712 N/A- 73
2031 811 777 N/A- 34
2032 836 851 N/A- -15
2033 860 930 N/A- -70
2034 886 1,016 N/A- - 130
2035 912 1,107 N/A- - 195
2036 937 1,199 N/A- - 262
2037 962 1,294 N/A- - 332
2038 990 1,390 N/A- - 400
2039 1,019 1,490 N/A- - 471
2040 1,050 1,588 N/A- - 538
2041 1,082 1,688 N/A- - 606
2042 1,115 1,791 N/A- - 676
2043 1,151 1,892 N/A- - 741

Bar graph showing the evolution of cash flows under the Pension Fund over time. Y-axis represents the expected contributions, payments and resulting net cash flows in millions. X-axis represents the plan year, starting in 2022 and ending in 2043. 

In plan year 2022, contributions to the Pension Fund are $743 million, whereas payments are $358 million, resulting in net cash flows of $385 million. Both contributions and payments are increasing over time, however payments are increasing at a higher rate than the contributions. Payments will be higher than contributions starting plan year 2032. 

In 2032, the chart shows payments of $851 million exceeding contributions of $836 million and resulting in net cash flows of negative $15 million. From 2032, the Pension Fund experiences negative net cash flows. In plan year 2043, contributions to the Pension Fund reach $1,151 million, whereas payouts reach $1,892 million resulting in net cash flows of negative $741 million. 

Account and Fund Projection

Line graph showing

Graphic Description - Account and Fund Projection
Account and Fund Projection
Valuation Year Account Liabilities Fund Liabilities Fund Assets
2021 15 13 15
2022 14 14 16
2023 14 15 17
2024 14 16 19
2025 13 17 20
2026 13 18 21
2027 12 19 22
2028 12 21 24
2029 11 22 25
2030 11 23 27
2031 10 25 28
2032 10 26 30
2033 9 28 32
2034 9 29 33
2035 8 30 35
2036 8 32 37
2037 7 34 39
2038 7 35 41
2039 6 37 43
2040 6 38 45
2041 5 40 47
2042 5 42 49
2043 5 43 51

The chart presents the evolution over time of the Superannuation Account liabilities for service prior to 1 April 2000 and the Pension Fund liabilities for service after 31 March 2000 as well as the Fund Assets. It is expected that the Pension Fund liabilities will exceed the Superannuation Account liabilities in 2023. 

Summary of Membership Data

Pie chart showing

Graphic Description - Summary of Membership Data
Summary of Membership Data
blank Number %
Contributors 22 269 49.4%
Retirement & Deferred Pensioners  15 826 35.1%
Disability Pensioners 3 841 8.5%
Surviving Spouses and Children 3 137 7.0%
Total 45 073 blank 

The pie chart presents a summary of membership data. 49.4% of the members are contributors, 35.1% are retirees and deferred pensioners, 8.5% are pensioners with disability and 7.0% are surviving spouses and children. 


Footnote 1

The Account tracks the liability for service prior to 1 April 2000.

Return to footnote 1

Footnote 2

Is it expected that a one-time nominal credit of $1,220 millions in 2023 will eliminate the account shortfall including accrued interest.

Return to footnote 2

Footnote 3

For a healthy Regular Member.

Return to footnote 3