Multimedia library

Our videos explain how we contribute to the public confidence in Canada’s financial system.


Video poster: In conversation with Tolga Yalkin on OSFI's Regulatory Response

OSFI's regulatory response


Date: January 30, 2024

Interview with Tolga Yalkin about how we set guidelines to supervise financial institutions.


What is the Domestic Stability Buffer?


Date: June 19, 2023

Explanation of what the Domestic Stability Buffer is and why it’s important.

Video poster: In conversation with Ben Gully on OSFI's Supevisory Approach

Discussion with Ben Gully on OSFI’s supervisory approach


Date: May 30, 2023

Ben Gully talks about the “four Cs” of our approach to supervision, our Annual Risk Outlook and more.


Guideline B-20 explained


Date: December 22, 2022

Sound mortgage underwriting practices reduce risks to the financial system.


OSFI’s role in housing finance

How our role in housing finance contributes to the stability of the Canadian financial system.


Date: December 15, 2022


OSFI’s supervisory intervention approach


Date: July 19, 2021

How we intervene with financial institutions when we find weaknesses in their financial conditions.


Protecting Canada from a financial crisis


Date: January 13, 2021

How we help financial institutions prepare for risks, such as cyberattacks and pandemics like COVID-19.


About OSFI


Date: February 7, 2020

We regulate and supervise Canadian banks, insurance companies and private pension plans.