Acquisition or disposal of assets exceeding 5% of a FI’s assets, to/from a widely held bank or insurance holding company or a subsdiary of the holding company that is related to FI
Deemed approval |
24 |
Acquisition or increase of a significant interest* in, and/or acquisition of control** of, a federally regulated entity***
- Sections 373(1), 377.1(1), 395, 875(1), 883(1) and 905 of the Bank Act (BA)
- Sections 375(1), 375.1(1) and 387 of the Trust and Loan Companies Act (TLCA)
- Sections 407(1), 407.1(1), 419, 927(1), 932(1) and 946 of the Insurance Companies Act (ICA)
- Sections 354(1), 354.1(1) and 358 of the Cooperative Credit Associations Act (CCAA)
Non deemed approval |
23 |
Non deemed approval |
12 |
Amending an order to commence and carry on business to add or delete a class of insurance (Canadian company)
Non deemed approval |
1 |
Amending an order to insure in Canada risks to add or delete a class of insurance (foreign company)
Non deemed approval |
2 |
Asset transaction greater than 10% of assets
Deemed approval |
18 |
Change of name – by-law
Deemed approval |
9 |
Change of name – foreign entity
Non deemed approval |
6 |
Change of name – letters patent
Non deemed approval |
5 |
Continuation of a body corporate
Non deemed approval |
13 |
Discontinuance – Continuance under the Canada Business Corporations Act or the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act
Non deemed approval |
14 |
Establishment of a branch by a foreign insurer (order to insure in Canada risks)
Non deemed approval |
4 |
Exemption from requirements for solicitation of proxies by dissidents
Deemed approval |
7 |
Exemption from restriction on being a partner in a partnership
Deemed approval |
11 |
Exemption from self-dealing provisions disallowing issuance of shares of a FRE in exchange for shares of another body corporate
Deemed approval |
19 |
Extension of divestiture period for control or holding a substantial investment by a foreign bank or entity associated with a foreign bank obtained as a result of realization of a security interest or a loan default
- subsections 522.15(2) and 522.15(3) of the Bank Act
Non deemed approval |
15 |
Extension of divestiture period for control or holding of a substantial investment obtained as a result of a loan default-minister’s approval
Non deemed approval |
16 |
Extension of divestiture period for control or the holding of a substantial investment obtained through the realization of a security interest-minister’s approval
Non deemed approval |
17 |
Extension of divestiture period for the control of or holding of a substantial investment in, an entity obtained as a result of a loan default
Deemed approval |
16 |
Extension of divestiture period for the control of or substantial investment in an entity obtained through realization of a security interest
Deemed approval |
17 |
Extension of holding period for a temporary investment
- subsections 471(1), (2), (3) or (5) and 933(1), (2) or (4) of the Bank Act (BA)
- subsections 456(1), (2), (3) or (5) of the Trust and Loan Companies Act (TLCA)
- subsections 498(1), (2), (3) or (5), 557(1), (2), or (3) and 974(1), (2) or (4) of the Insurance Companies Act (ICA)
- subsections 393(1), (2), (3) or (5) of the Cooperative Credit Associations Act (CCAA)
Deemed approval |
15 |
Extension of holding period of temporary investments - minister’s approval
Non deemed approval |
18 |
Extension of the holding period of a temporary investment of a foreign bank or an entity associated with a foreign bank
- subsections 522.14(2) and 522.14(3) and paragraph 522.14(4)(a) of the Bank Act
Non deemed approval |
19 |
Giving up control in fact* of an entity while maintaining another type of control
Non deemed approval |
22 |
Giving up control of an entity while retaining a substantial investment
Deemed approval |
14 |
Issuance of Shares or Membership Shares in Consideration of Property
Deemed approval |
1 |
Issuance of subordinated debt in consideration of property
Deemed approval |
6 |
Materiality criteria for an RE or its subsidiaries to hold shares or ownership interests in a FRE or a FRE’s controlling entity
Deemed approval |
3 |
Name reservation
Non deemed approval |
20 |
Part XII: Acquisition of control of a provincially regulated financial institution or other financial intermediary
- Paragraph 522.22(1)(a) or (b) of the Bank Act (the “Act”).
Non deemed approval |
7.1 |
Part XII: Acquisition of control of, or a substantial investment in, a non-financial services entity
- Paragraph 522.22(1)(c), (d), (d.1) or (e) of the Bank Act (the “Act”).
Non deemed approval |
7.2 |
Part XII: Acquisition of control of, or a substantial investment in, a limited commercial entity
- Section 522.09 and paragraph 522.22(1)(g) of the Bank Act (the “Act”).
Non deemed approval |
7.4 |
Part XII: Establishment, maintenance or acquisition for use in Canada of automated banking machines
- Paragraph 522.22(1)(i) of the Bank Act (the “Act”).
Non deemed approval |
7.6 |
Part XII: Establishment of a branch of a cooperative credit society, securities dealer or investment counselling and portfolio management service provider
- Section 522.18 and paragraph 522.22(1)(f) of the Bank Act (the “Act”).
Non deemed approval |
7.3 |
Part XII: Establishment of a limited commercial branch
- Section 522.19 and paragraph 522.22(1)(h) of the Bank Act (the “Act”).
Non deemed approval |
7.5 |
Purchase or redemption of shares or membership shares
Deemed approval |
2 |
Rectification of non-compliance regarding appointment of board of directors
Deemed approval |
8 |
Reduction of Stated Capital
Deemed approval |
4 |
Reinsurance on an assumption basis (“assumption reinsurance”)
Non deemed approval |
10.1 |
Reinsurance with a Related Party
Deemed approval |
21 |
Related party transactions of nominal value
Deemed approval |
20 |
Related-party asset transactions as part of a restructuring
Deemed approval |
22 |
Related-party asset transactions with a financial institution
Deemed approval |
23 |
Sale of all or Substantially all Assets by Deposit-taking Institutions
Non deemed approval |
10 |
Substantial Investments* Requiring Ministerial Approval – Permitted Entities
Non deemed approval |
8 |
Substantial Investments* Requiring Superintendent Approval – Permitted Entites
Deemed approval |
13 |
Termination of Business in Canada of an Authorized Foreign Bank
Non deemed approval |
9.1 |
Termination of Insurance Business in Canada of Foreign Insurance Companies
- Sections 650, 651 and 654 of the Insurance Companies Act (the “Act”)
Non deemed approval |
9 |
Transaction Instructions – Part XII: Approval to have a financial establishment in Canada
- Subsection 522.21(1) or 522.211(1) of the Bank Act (the “Act”).
Non deemed approval |
3 |
Voluntary liquidation and dissolution
Non deemed approval |
11 |