Operating Cash Flow Statement (OCFS)

Type of document
Deposit-taking institutions
Operating Cash Flow Statement (OCFS)
Last updated
April 2023
Return number
Table of contents

    General instructions

    Institutions must only populate yellow cells of the template, based on their projected cash flows and point-in-time account balances. Input all data as positive numbers or zero.

    Maturing assets must reflect the behaviour expected by the institution in the period in which they mature. For example, a loan expected to be rolled over at maturity would not be reflected as an inflow. All significant assumptions should be recorded in the "Comments" column.

    Description of input cells

    Unencumbered liquid assets

    Coins and banknotes
    Coins and banknotes currently held by the institution that are immediately available to meet obligations.
    Demand deposits with other financial institutions
    Deposits placed at other regulated financial institutions that are available on demand and are not encumbered or subject of withdrawal restrictions (e.g. notice period or the deposit is held for operational reasons such as clearing, access to payment systems, etc.).
    Eligible Securities
    Eligible Securities include marketable securities representing claims on or guaranteed by sovereigns, central banks, and PSEs assigned a 0% risk-weight under the Basel II Standardised Approach for credit risk provided they are not an obligation of a financial institution or any of its affiliated entities. This would also include claims on all provincial and territorial governments and agents of the federal, provincial or territorial government whose debts are, by virtue of their enabling legislation, obligations of the parent government. Securities issued under the National Housing Act Mortgage Backed Securities (NHA MBS) program may be included as Eligible Securities. For greater clarity, Eligible Securities in the context of the OCFS correspond to Level 1 HQLA in the LCR.
    Other securities - for reporting purpose only
    Report here other securities held for internal liquidity management purposes not included above. These are reported for monitoring purposes and are not counted in the stock of Unencumbered liquid assets.

    Cash inflows

    Fee income
    Report expected fee income to be collected in each period derived from the institution's operation (e.g. from assets under management/administration, custody services, investment advices, etc.). Fees should only consider existing and committed business (i.e., not factor in prospective new business).
    Interest on investments
    Report interest and dividend payments collected from performing investments, including from investments that do not qualify as unencumbered liquid assets, in each period.
    Interest on loans
    Report interest payments (and periodic capital repayment for amortizing loans) collected from performing loans in each period.
    Maturing loans
    Report the total of all terms loans maturing in the next 12 months in "Balance at t:0". Report maturing loans expected to be collected in each time period (i.e., loans that will not be rolled over). Institutions should provide assumptions and other relevant information in the "Comments" column. Open or no maturity loans should not be reported nor should any inflow be recorded aside from contractually due minimum payments.
    Include other operational cash inflow contractually due in each period. Provide an explanation in the "Comments" column. Extraordinary items and non-recuring items should be discussed with the institution's lead supervisor prior to including them in the template.

    Cash outflows

    Operating expenses
    Include operational expenses other than payroll related (e.g. rent, marketing, etc.). Provide a high level breakdown of the items included in the "Comments" column.
    Report planned payroll expenses in each period. Bonus and performance incentives should be included in the period where they will be paid.
    Maturing term deposits - retail & SBC, insured

    Include the notional amount of each term deposit that matures in the respective time period and total notional amount outstanding in column "Balance at t:0". A  periodic outflow is assumed for each maturing term deposit. The remaining balance (i.e., maturing term deposit minus the periodic outflow) is assumed to be renewed at the same tenor as the initial term deposit. For example, a $100 insured retail term deposit with an initial and day-of-computation maturity of two months would mean institutions must record $100 in the row "Maturing term deposits - retail & SBC, insured" (cell Q24) at month 2. The periodic outflow is a calculated cell based on the prescribed outflow rate. Then, in month 4, institutions should input $95 ($100 minus the periodic outflow) in the row "Maturing term deposits - retail & SBC, insured" (cell U24) and so on for months 6, 8, 10, and 12.

    Retail deposits are defined as deposits placed with an institution by a natural person. Small business customers (SBC) are defined as those accounts managed as retail exposures and that are generally considered as having similar liquidity risk characteristics to retail accounts and where the total aggregated exposure from one small business customer is less than CAD $1.5 million. This category is limited to deposit that are covered by an deposit insurance scheme (e.g. CDIC).

    Maturing term deposits - retail & SBC, uninsured
    Include the notional amount of each term deposit that matures in the respective time period and total notional amount outstanding in column "Balance at t:0". A periodic outflow is assumed for each maturing term deposit. The remaining balance, i.e. maturing term deposit minus the periodic outflow, is assumed to be renewed at the same tenor as the initial term deposit (see example provided above for "Maturing term deposits - retail & SBC, insured"). Retail deposits are defined as deposits placed with an institution by a natural person. Small business customers (SBC) are defined as those accounts managed as retail exposures and that are generally considered as having similar liquidity risk characteristics to retail accounts and where the total aggregated exposure from one small business customer is less than CAD $1.5 million. The periodic outflow is a calculated cell.
    Maturing term deposit - brokered
    Include the notional amount of each term deposit that matures in the respective time period and total notional amount outstanding in column "Balance at t:0". A periodic outflow is assumed for each maturing term deposit. The remaining balance, i.e. maturing term deposit minus the periodic outflow, is assumed to be renewed at the same tenor as the initial term deposit (see example provided above for "Maturing term deposits - retail & SBC, insured"). Brokered deposits are deposits that are sourced through a third-party, i.e. where the underlying customer does not directly place the deposit with the institution. Both insured and uninsured deposits are included. The periodic outflow is a calculated cell.
    Maturing term deposit - all other
    Include the notional amount of each term deposit that matures in the respective time period and total notional amount outstanding in column "Balance at t:0". A periodic outflow is assumed for each maturing term deposit. The remaining balance, i.e. maturing term deposit minus the periodic outflow, is assumed to be renewed at the same tenor as the initial term deposit (see example provided above for "Maturing term deposits - retail & SBC, insured"). This category includes all term deposits not included in the category above. The periodic outflow is a calculated cell.
    Demand deposits - retail & SBC, insured
    Retail deposits are defined as deposits placed with an institution by a natural person. Small business customers (SBC) are defined as those accounts managed as retail exposures and that are generally considered as having similar liquidity risk characteristics to retail accounts and where the total aggregated exposure from one small business customer is less than CAD $1.5 million. This category is limited to deposit that are covered by a deposit insurance scheme (e.g. CDIC). Only the outstanding balance at time of reporting must be populated, the periodic outflows are automatically calculated based on the prescribed run-off rates.
    Demand deposits - retail  & SBC, uninsured
    Retail deposits are defined as deposits placed with an institution by a natural person. Small business customers (SBC) are defined as those accounts managed as retail exposures and that are generally considered as having similar liquidity risk characteristics to retail accounts and where the total aggregated exposure from one small business customer is less than CAD $1.5 million. Only the outstanding balance at time of reporting must be populated, the periodic outflows are automatically calculated based on the prescribed run-off rates. This category includes deposits that are not covered by a deposit insurance scheme (e.g. amount in excess of coverage limit, product type not covered).
    Demand deposits - brokered
    Brokered deposits are deposits that are sourced through a third-party, i.e. where the underlying customer does not directly place the deposit with the institution. Both insured and uninsured deposits are included. Only the outstanding balance at time of reporting must be populated, the periodic outflows are automatically calculated based on the prescribed run-off rates.
    Demand deposits - all other
    This category includes all demand deposits not included in the category above. Only the outstanding balance at time of reporting must be populated, the periodic outflows are automatically calculated based on the prescribed run-off rates.
    Interest payable
    Report interest payments from deposits, borrowing, and other funding sources in each period.
    Include other cash outflows contractually due in each period. Provide an explanation in the "Comments" column. Extraordinary items and non-recuring items should be discussed with the institution's lead supervisor prior to including them in the template.

    Net cash flows and cumulative cash flows

    Net cash flows
    Net cash flows equals the period's inflows minus outflows. This is an automated computation, not an input cell.
    Liquid assets and net cash flows
    Liquid assets and net cash flows equals the beginning of period liquid assets adjusted for the period's s minus outflows. This is an automated computation, not an input cell.