Release of final 2023 liquidity returns and consultation on draft NCCF reporting instructions

To: Banks, Bank Holding Companies, Federally Regulated Trust and Loan Companies

Following its January 31, 2022 release of revisions to the Liquidity Adequacy Requirements (LAR) Guideline, OSFI is releasing today final reporting templates for the Net Cumulative Cash Flow (NCCF), both the Comprehensive NCCF (for DSIBs and Category I SMSBs) and Streamlined NCCF (for Category II SMSBs), as well as the Operating Cash Flow Statement (for Category III SMSBs). OSFI is also releasing draft NCCF reporting instructions today for consultation. Feedback on the draft reporting instructions should be sent to OSFI by email at no later than March 31, 2022.

  • Comprehensive NCCF Template (XLSX, 5.50 MB)
  • Streamlined NCCF Template (XLSX, 871 KB)
  • Operating Cash Flow Statement Template (XLSX, 52 KB)
  • Draft – NCCF Reporting Instructions

The Comprehensive NCCF is scheduled to transition to XML filing format from the current ‘.xlsx’ filing format effective for the guideline’s implementation starting April 1, 2023. The Streamlined NCCF will transition to XML filing the following year. These transitions will support enhancements to OSFI’s data collection and analytics. OSFI will support this transition by providing clear specifications, guidance, and tools prior to implementation.